Steps to Km Calculator

Find out how many kilometers you have walked or run based on the number of steps you have taken

Walked steps as kilometers Calculator

Fill in your gender and how many steps you walked to see the results

This “steps to kilometres” calculator will convert your steps into an estimation of kilometers you have walked. Just fill in the number of steps, choose your gender and you will see the result!

How many kilometers is 10000 steps?

Ten thousand steps equals about 7.6 kilometers. You can find this out easily also using this “steps to km” converter.

It is commonly said that everyone should walk ten thousand steps every day. Actually a recent study by researchers at Radboud University Medical Center has found that you don't need to take 10,000 steps a day to reduce your chances of premature death. You only need about 7,126 steps each day! But as fitness enthusiasts, we recommend you to take 10K steps every day. And even better if you run those steps!

What are benefits of walking?

People who walk actively every day have less cardiovascular issues and better overall health. Walking has also been proven to be really beneficial for mental health.

Do running steps differ from walking steps?

Running and walking the same amount of steps is not the same thing. Running usually involves a higher intensity and impact on the body when compared to walking. Running also burns more calories in a shorter period of time compared to walking. Even if running might be superior to walking, it is good to remember that also walking contributes to physical fitness.

How to convert steps to km

Conversion from walked steps to kilometers is very easy! One way is to use a simple formula of “steps divided by 1300”. Or then you can use this calculator to do the conversion.